Sunday, 10 July 2011

#LilyPie Wedding Day, 10th July 2011, Online Photo Album

Click/Doubleclick/Whatever on any of the pictures below
if you want to see LARGER versions!

The Wedding Vows taken by Lily and Pie.

The Ceremony is sealed with a kiss.

Congratulations to the Happy Couple!

Best Tom, Matron of Honour and Bridesmaids.

The Wedding Party with a few of the many guests.

A Who's Who of Guests.

The BBC (British Broadcasting Cats) provide TV coverage.

A Splendid Reception Buffet laid on with the help of @FruFruB

Lily and Pie prepare to cut the Wedding Cake.


555smokey said...

Such a lovely wedding. Thank you for asking me. Purrsss.

Shari said...

DUSTY: This Wedding Album is lovely. So happy to be able to see the photos and such love between Lily and Pie.
HURLEY: We're blessed to know you, dear furiends. Congratulations on your special day!

Pandafur said...

Wat bewtiful pikchures, concats on your wedding. I iz so devastated I had to miss it but your piks iz just wonderful! May you haz happiness together furever *pawhug*

Thomastabbykit said...

The best pawty ever!!

Shayna said...

What a wonderful wedding! Wishing you efurry happiness, always :-)

Autumnandfamily said...

What beautiful pictures! The photographer is very talented! Congratulations, you two lovecats!